Research news by Tohoku University on Children

Group childcare positively affects toddler development

Columbia University Irving Medical Center research news on neurons and its active role

Specialized neurons that order to stop eating

New by University of Florida on nutrition labels

Nutrition labels meant to promote healthy eating could discourage purchases

University of California - San Francisco

Delayed REM sleep could be an early sign of Alzheimers

blog by American Heart Association

Heart disease remains leading cause of death as key health risk factors continue to rise

Study by University of Texas at El Paso on boosting muscles mass, strength

Electrifying your workout can boost muscles mass, strength

University College London research news on Climate change

Climate-change-triggered 2023 mega-landslide caused Earth to vibrate for nine days

research news by Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Bacteria encode hidden genes outside their genome - Do we?

Research news by Canadian Museum of Nature

Scientists assess how large dinosaurs could really get

Research news by UK Research and Innovation

Switching off inflammatory protein extends healthy lifespan in mice

Research news published at Canadian Journal of Cardiology

A hearty debate concludes plant-based meat alternatives are healthier for your heart than meat

Research news by University College London on Behavioral sciences

Internet addiction affects the behaviour and development of adolescents

research news by Penn State on X and Y Chromosome

Complete X and Y chromosome sequences of living great ape species determined

Science research news by Harvard University

Researchers publish largest-ever dataset of neural connections

Research News by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Orangutan treats wound with pain-relieving plant

Research news by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Pregnancy Accelerates Biological Aging in a Healthy Young Adult Population

University of Texas at Austin research news on Computer based games

Universal Brain-Computer Interface Lets People Play Games With Just Their Thoughts

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev research news  on healthy gut microbes

Industrial societies losing healthy gut microbes

Research news by Université de Genève on AI

Two artificial intelligences talk to each other

University of Virginia Health System research news on heart attacks or strokes

In Our Cellular Glue Answers About Heart Attacks

Queen Mary University of London research news on bees interaction

Bees master complex tasks through social interaction

Research news by Harvard Medical School

How childrens birthdays help show the best month for flu shots

New York University research news on Neanderthals

Did neanderthals use glue? Researchers find evidence that sticks

Scientific News by Queen Mary University of London

Tiny moon of Saturn holds young ocean beneath icy shell

University of Gothenburg research news on Healthy diet

Healthy diet early in life seems to protect against inflammatory bowel disease

Research new by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on T cell

The fountain of youth is ... a T cell?

A new study by physicists and neuroscientists at University of Chicago on brain cells

Surprisingly simple model explains how brain cells organize and connect

Surprisingly simple model explains how brain cells organize and connect by University of Chicago

Surprisingly simple model explains how brain cells organize and connect

Love leaves a mark on the brain research news by University of Colorado

Love leaves a mark on the brain

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology research news on human-driven bird extinctions

Study uncovers major hidden human-driven bird extinctions

Research news by University of California - Davis

Ecosystem benefits to humanity expected to decline by 9% by 2100

Nagoya University research news on electric eels

Shocking discovery: Electricity from electric eels may transfer genetic material to nearby animals

Research news by University of British Columbia on Stem cell-based treatment controls blood sugar

Stem cell-based treatment controls blood sugar in people with Type 1 diabetes

Printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons research news by ETH Zurich

Printed robots with bones, ligaments, and tendons

Any activity is better for your heart than sitting research news by University College London

Any activity is better for your heart than sitting

Research Study by University of Granada

6.4 kms per day to reduce the risk of premature death

Neanderthal gene variants associated with greater pain sensitivity research news by University of London

Neanderthal gene variants associated with greater pain sensitivity

Study Removes Human Bias From Debate Over Dinosaurs Demise research study by Dartmouth College

Study Removes Human Bias From Debate Over Dinosaurs Demise

Research news by University of Copenhagen on Earths stability and ability to support civilization at risk

Earths stability and ability to support civilization at risk

Research News by University of California - Los Angeles Health Sciences on Regenerative neurons

Scientists regenerate neurons that restore walking in mice after paralysis from spinal cord injury

Common origin behind major childhood allergies research by University of British Columbia

Common origin behind major childhood allergies

Research by Monell Chemical Senses Center  regarding NeuroScience

A Step Closer to Digitizing the Sense of Smell: Monell Center, Osmo Model Describes Odors Better than Human Panelists

Research news on Longevity gene from naked mole rats extends lifespan of mice at Plenareno

Longevity gene from naked mole rats extends lifespan of mice

What does a ‘twinkling’ star sound like? Take a listen science news by Northwestern University

What does a twinkling star sound like

Mind controlling parasitic worms are missing genes found in every other animal research by Field Museum

Mind controlling parasitic worms are missing genes found in every other animal

Surgical and engineering innovations research by Chalmers University of Technology

Surgical and engineering innovations enable unprecedented control over every finger of a bionic hand

Light or moderate alcohol consumption does not guard against diabetes, obesity news by Endocrine Society

Light or moderate alcohol consumption does not guard against diabetes, obesity

Astronomers discover death-defying planet research news by University of Hawaii at Manoa

Astronomers discover death-defying planet

Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes research news by University of Copenhagen

Hidden mechanism connects cancer and diabetes

Mysterious dashes revealed in Milky Ways center news by Northwestern University

Mysterious dashes revealed in Milky Ways center

University of Colorado at Boulder research news on decline in global lake water storage

Widespread Decline in Global lake water storage

Latest news by Researchers at the University of Cambridge and University College Dublin

Harsh discipline increases risk of children developing lasting mental health problems

Next epidemic could be spotted early in wastewater research news by University of Bath

Next epidemic could be spotted early in wastewater

Terminator zones on distant planets could harbor life research news by University of California - Irvine

Terminator zones on distant planets could harbor life

A Monash University study on global daily air pollution

Global daily air pollution shows almost nowhere on earth is safe: A Monash University study

Creating 3D objects with sound research blog by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Creating 3D objects with sound

Will machine learning help us find extraterrestrial life research blog by SETI Institute

Can Extraterrestrial Life be found by Machine Learning?

Global Warming Reaches Central Greenland science news by Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Global Warming Reaches Central Greenland

Glassfrogs Hide Red Blood Cells in Liver to Disappear by American Museum of Natural History

Glassfrogs Hide Red Blood Cells in Liver to Disappear

Research study by University of Washington on Alzheimers symptoms

Study reveals new blood test can detect ‘toxic’ protein years before Alzheimer’s symptoms emerge

Research blog by Rockefeller University at Plenareno news page

Why some people are mosquito magnets

NASA/Ames Research Center research news

Simulations Reveal The Formation of The Moon In Mere Hours, After Collision

What killed dinosaurs and other life on Earth research study by Dartmouth College

What killed dinosaurs and other life on Earth?

New seafloor images of West Antarctic Ice Sheet research news by University of South Florida

Faster in the Past: New Seafloor Images off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Upend Understanding of Thwaites Glacier Retreat

NSU Researchers invent self-charging, ultra-thin device that generates electricity from air moisture

Researchers invent self-charging, ultra-thin device that generates electricity from air moisture

Bioengineering better photosynthesis increases yields in food crops research news by University of Illinois

Bioengineering better photosynthesis increases yields in food crops

Marine heatwaves could have severe negative impacts on global fish stocks by University of British Columbia

Marine heatwaves could have severe negative impacts on global fish stocks by University of British Columbia

Perceptions of supernatural beings reveal feelings about good and bad in humans  research news by University of Waterloo

Perceptions of supernatural beings reveal feelings about good and bad in humans

Engineers uncover the secrets of fish fins research news by University of Colorado at Boulder at Plenareno Events

Engineers uncover the secrets of fish fins

Tiny bubbles: Treating asthma with gene-silencing nanocapsules research news by University of Connecticut

Tiny bubbles: Treating asthma with gene-silencing nanocapsules

Fine particulate air pollution associated with higher risk of dementia research news by University of Washington

Fine particulate air pollution associated with higher risk of dementia

Evolutionary arms race research news by Berkeley University at Plenareno Conferences

Evolutionary arms race

Brain mechanism can automatically links objects in our minds research news by Yale University

Brain mechanism can automatically links objects in our minds

Climate change to bring more intense storms across Europe news by Newcastle University at Plenareno Conferences

Climate change to bring more intense storms across Europe

Parents talk less to kids when money is tight research news by Berkeley University at Plenareno Events

Parents talk less to kids when money is tight

Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Poor Academics in Childhood research news by Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Air Pollution Exposure Linked to Poor Academics in Childhood

Dealing with global carbon debt news by International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis at Plenareno Events

Dealing with global carbon debt

Understanding our perception of rhythm research news by McGill University at Plenareno Conferences

Understanding our perception of rhythm

Physicists take big step in race to quantum computing research news by Harvard University at Plenareno Events

Physicists take big step in race to quantum computing

Possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus research news by University of Arizona at Plenareno Conferences

Possible signs of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus

Genetics Plays Important Role in Age at First Sex and Birth research by Oxford and Cambridge

Genetics Plays Important Role in Age at First Sex and Birth

Is global plastic pollution nearing an irreversible tipping point by Stockholm University at Plenareno Conferences

Is global plastic pollution nearing an irreversible tipping point

Luxury products change behavior and not in a good way by Carlon School at Near Events news

Luxury Products Change Behavior and Not In A Good Way

Women negotiate better on behalf of friends study by Tel Aviv University at Plenareno Conferences Blog

Women negotiate better on behalf of friends

A new type of Homo unknown to science research by Tel Aviv University at Plenareno Conferences

A new type of Homo unknown to science

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely research news by University of bern at Plenareno Conferences

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely

We cannot cheat aging and death research news by University of Southern Denmark at Plenareno Conferences

We cannot cheat aging and death

Harnessing sound for health research news by California Institute of Technology at Plenareno Blog

Harnessing sound for health

Nanotech antimicrobial masks filter by Nanyang technological University, Singapore at NearEvents blog

Nanotech antimicrobial masks which filters bacteria, viruses, and haze particles

Injectable microspheres to repair failing hearts by University College London at Plenareno Conferences blog

Injectable microspheres to repair failing hearts

memory details fade away with time by Universities of Glasgow and Birmingham news at Plenareno Conferences blog

Only the main gist preserved, while memory details fade away with time

Vegan spider silk - An sustainable alternative to single-use plastics by University of Cambridge at Plenareno Conferences blog

Vegan spider silk - A sustainable alternative to single-use plastics

Short breaks might help our brain learn skills by NIH News at Plenareno Conferences blog

How taking short breaks might help our brain learn skills - Study finds

Dreams reflect multiple memories by American Academy of Sleep medicine news at Plenareno Conferences blog

Dreams reflect our multiple memories and foresee future events

Scientists say active early learning shapes the adult brain by Wellcome Trust, Virginia Tech at Plenareno Conferences blog

Scientists say active early learning shapes the adult brain

Corals tell Arabian Sea story of global warming by Hakkaido University News at Plenareno Conferences blog

Corals tell Arabian Sea story of global warming

Natural Killers of the immune system news by Sloan Kettering Institute at Plenareno Conferences blog

Scientists learn what fuels the Natural Killers of the immune system

Georgia Institute Technology news on How an elephants trunk manipulates air to eat and drink at Plenareno Blog

How an elephants trunk manipulates air to eat and drink

Ozone layer news by KAUST at Plenareno Conferences Science blog

Ozone layer destroyed by Ancient Volcanic Eruption

depression news by University of Colorado at Plenareno Medical Conferences blog

Waking just one-hour earlier cuts depression risk by double digits, study finds

Penn State university dark matter galaxies news at Plenareno Conferences Blog

Dark matter map reveals hidden bridges between galaxies

McGill threespine stickleback news at Plenareno Conferences Science blogs

Which animals will survive climate change?

mindfulness meditation research news at Plenareno Conferences blog

Making mindfulness meditation more helpful starts with understanding how it can be harmful

Ohio university milkyway news at plenareno conferences blog

New evidence of how and when the Milky Way came together

Salk Researchers novel corona virus spike protein blog at plenareno cme medical conferences

The novel coronavirus spike protein plays additional key role in illness

Brown University and Plenareno Engineering Conferences new blog about mars

Mars has right ingredients for present-day microbial life beneath its surface, study finds

Wellcome Sanger Institute and Plenareno medical conferences blo

New genetic target for blood cancer treatment

University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science blog posting at Plenareno Psychiatry and Behavioral health Conferences

Why our brains miss opportunities to improve through subtraction

Parkinsons, cancer, type 2 diabetes blog posting at Plenareno Medical conferences

Parkinsons, cancer, type 2 diabetes share a key element that drives disease

Carbons interstellar journey to Earth blog posting at Plenareno Engineering conferences

From stardust to pale blue dot: Carbons interstellar journey to Earth

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg blog post at Plenareno Medical and Engineering Conferences

Sheep vs. goats: Who are the best problem solvers?

How humans develop larger brains than other apes blog posting at Plenareno medical Conferences

How humans develop larger brains than other apes

Faster fusion reactor calculations by machine learning research at Plenareno Conferences blog

Thanks to machine learning: Faster fusion reactor calculations

how hummingbirds hum research by Eindhoven University of Technology and Stanford University

How hummingbirds hum

Nitrous Oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat blog at plenareno conferences

Nitrous Oxide emissions pose an increasing climate threat, finds breakthrough study

A New Key Player in Long Term Memory by McGill University at Plenareno conferences blog

A New Key Player in Long Term Memory: Research Discovery

Singapore University of Technology and Design 3D printing technology at Plenareno Material Science conference

Researchers develop simple method to 3D print milk products: Singapore University of Technology and Design

Uncommon for COVID-19 transmission during pregnancy: From mother to baby, study finds in Plenareno Conferences Blog

Uncommon for COVID-19 transmission during pregnancy: From mother to baby, study finds

Signs of a heart attack blog for Plenareno Heart Congress

Signs of a heart attack

Diabetes and Heart diseases blog for Plenareno Diabetes, Obesity and Cholesterol Metabolism Conference

Diabetes and Heart diseases

Can depression affect your ability to think blog for Plenareno depression conference

Can depression affect your ability to think?

Neurological Disorders in Pediatrics blog at Plenareno pediatrics and Mental health conference

Neurological Disorders in Pediatrics

5 ways to prevent heart disease blog at plenareno cardiology, hypertension conference

5 ways to prevent heart disease

Teen Depression blog on plenareno depression, anxiety, psychiatry, mental health conference

Teen Angst or Teen Depression?

World obesity day 2019 blog of Plenareno diabetes, obesity and metabolic diseases conferences

World Obesity Day 2019 - 11th October

Diabetes and Stress blog for plenareno diabetes, obesity and stress conferences

Diabetes and Stress

World Mental Health Day 2019 blog on plenareno mental health and psychiatry conferences

World Mental Health Day - October 10, 2019

Top 10 Causes of Weight Gain blog is for plenareno obesity, diabetes and metabolic diseases

Top 10 Causes of Weight Gain

World Heart Day 2019 blog for plenareno cardiology, heartcare, hypertension conferences

World Heart Day - 29 September

Lets talk at Plenareno Depression Conference 2020 blog at plenareno psychiatry and mental health conferences

Depression: Let’s talk at Plenareno Depression Conference 2020!!

Mindfulness as a Treatment for Diabetes and Weight blog for plenareno conferences

Mindfulness as a Treatment for Diabetes and Weight